藍川 昌秀/アイカワ マサヒデ/Masahide Aikawa
所属 | 【学部】環境化学工学科 【大学院】環境システム専攻 資源化学システムコース |
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役職/職名 | 教授 | |
学位(授与機関) | 博士(農学)(京都大学) 博士(工学)(名古屋大学) | |
担当科目 | 【学部】 大気浄化工学 基礎有機化学 環境分析実験 【大学院】 大気環境工学(博士前期課程) 大気環境工学特論(博士後期課程) |
略歴 | 昭和61年 甲陽学院高等学校卒業 平成2年 東京大学理学部化学科卒業(学士(理学)) 平成4年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻修士課程修了(修士(理学)) 平成7年 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科応用化学専攻博士後期課程単位修得満期退学 平成9年 博士(工学)(名古屋大学) 平成20年 博士(農学)(京都大学) 平成7?25年 兵庫県(兵庫県庁水大気課、兵庫県環境研究センター) 平成25?28年 国立研究開発法人国立環境研究所 平成28年? 北九州市立大学国際環境工学部 |
専門分野 | 大気科学(酸性雨?酸性霧?大気汚染(ガス状物質?粒子状物質)) |
Abe, M., Aoyama, A., Shimozono, T., Tominaga, S., Tamura, Y., Kodama, D. and Aikawa, M.: accept, ‘Washout/rainout classification and precipitation characterization, achievable by 1 mm precipitation observation’, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Zhang, X., Tran, A.D., Nguyen, V.D., Sato, H., Eto, Y. and Aikawa, M.: 2025, ‘Concentration characteristics and wavelet analysis of ambient NH3 in Kitakyushu, Japan over the period of 2018-2022’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2025) 236:60, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-024-07709-x
Zhang, X. and Aikawa, M.: 2024, ‘Health risks and air quality by PM2.5 in the leeward area of the Asian continent in the preceding year of the MARPOL Treaty enforcement’, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 17, pp.1391–1399, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11869-024-01514-5 Zhang, X., Murakami, T., Wang, J. and Aikawa, M.: 2024, ‘Unexpected/contrary behavior of aerosol mass concentration in response to the individual components’ concentration reduction - Aerosol thermodynamics in inorganic components’ reducing conditions’, Journal of Environmental Sciences , 135, 630-639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2022.09.024 Oniwa, S., Abe, M. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘Significant parameter for controlling the partition of ambient nitrate species between HNO3(g) and NH4NO3(p)’, Environmental monitoring and Assessment , (2023)195:1134, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-11751-3 Zhang, X., Sun, M. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘Characteristics of PM2.5-bound metals in Japan over six years: Spatial distribution, health risk, and source analysis’, Journal of Environmental Management , 344(2023)118750, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118750 Takata, N., Kamo, T., Iwamoto, Y. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘Daily?basis observation of gaseous mercury (Hg0) concentrations in an industrialized city in Japan and introducing two new parameters to evaluate the risks of gaseous mercury’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2023)234:560,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-023-06578-0 Nguyen, V. D., Nguyen, K.L., Tran, A.D., Duong, H.M., Nguyen, T.M. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘Seasonal variation of NH3 concentration and its controlling factors in Hanoi, Vietnam, depending on the site classification’, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 20(8), pp.8277-8286. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-022-04567-0 Kondo, M., Ishida, A., Hiramoto, T., Nakazono, A., Ono, S., Nakatsubo, R., Futamura, A., Oshita, Y., Zhang, X. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘Sudden decrease of airborne sulfates in summer at sites in western Japan prior to the enforcement of the MARPOL Treaty’, Atmospheric Environment , 295(2023)119571, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119571 Zhang, X. and Aikawa, M.: 2023, ‘The variation of PM2.5 from ship emission under low-sulfur regulation: A case study in the coastal suburbs of Kitakyushu, Japan’, Science of the Total Environment , 858(2023)159968, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159968 Abe, M., Oniwa, S., Okochi, H. and Aikawa, M.: 2022, ‘Fog water, throughfall, and bulk precipitation chemistry and a newly developed methodology for the estimation of fog water deposition’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2022)233:474, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05939-5 Nguyen, K.L. and Aikawa, M.: 2022, ‘Record of pre-neutralized H2SO4 implied in the results of four-stage and five-stage paralleled filter pack observations on the western edge of Japan’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2022)233:319, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05823-2 Peng, Y. and Aikawa, M.: 2022, ‘Methane concentration downtown and in the suburbs of an urbanized city and controlling parameters to determine its horizontal distribution’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2022)233:248, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05727-1 Nguyen, K.L. and Aikawa, M.: 2022, ‘A novel step?by?step assessment methodology for the correction of sampling artifact and chlorine loss reaction on HNO3 in ambient air’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2022)233:110, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05570-4 Zhang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, K., Shang, X., Aikawa, M., Zhou, G., Li, J., Li, H.: 2022, ‘Year-round observation of atmospheric inorganic aerosols in urban Beijing: Size distribution, source analysis, and reduction mechanism’, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 114, 354-364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2021.09.014 Zhang, X., Eto, Y. and Aikawa, M.: 2021, ‘Risk assessment and management of PM2.5-bound heavy metals in the urban area of Kitakyushu, Japan’, Science of the Total Environment, 795 (2021), 148748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148748 Peng, Y., Suzuki, M., Nguyen, K.L., Zhang, X. and Aikawa, M.: 2021, ‘Presence and source attribution of airborne anthropogenic/non-sea-salt inorganic chloride determined by filter-pack method at eastern edge in East Asia’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution , (2021)232:238, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-021-05186-0 Zhang, X., Murakami, T, Wang, J. and Aikawa, M.: 2021, ‘Sources, species and secondary formation of atmospheric aerosols and gaseous precursors in the suburb of Kitakyushu, Japan’, Science of the Total Environment, 763 (2021), 143001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143001 Nguyen, V. D., Sato, H, Hamada, H., Yamaguchi, S., Hiraki, T., Nakatsubo, R., Murano, K. and Aikawa, M.: 2021, ‘Symbolic seasonal variation newly found in atmospheric ammonia concentration in urban area of Japan’, Atmospheric Environment, 244, 117943. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117943. Zhang, X., Zhang, K., Liu, H., Lv, W., Aikawa, M., Liu, B., Wang, J.: 2020, ‘Pollution sources of atmospheric fine particles and secondary aerosol characteristics in Beijing’, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 95, 91-98, doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2020.04.002 Nakatsubo, R., Oshita, Y., Aikawa, M., Takimoto, M., Kubo, T., Matsumura, C., Takaishi, Y. and Hiraki, T.: 2020, ‘Influence of marine vessel emissions on the atmospheric PM2.5 in Japan’s around the congested sea areas’, Science of the Total Environment, 702, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134744 Zhang, X., Zhang, K., Lv, W., Liu, B., Aikawa, M., Wang, J.: 2019, ‘Characteristics and risk assessments of heavy metals in fine and coarse particles in an industrial area of central China’, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 179, 1-8, doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.04.024 横山 新紀, 山口 高志, 藍川 昌秀, 向井 人史:2019, 日本におけるアンモニアガスおよび粒子状アンモニウム濃度の長期変化, 大気環境学会誌 54(2), 75-83. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Horie, Y., Nakatsubo, R., Matsumura, C. and Mukai, H.: 2017, Trans-boundary and in-country transport of air pollutants observed in Kobe, Japan by high frequent filter pack sampling method, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 74(4), 505-518 DOI: 10.1007/s10874-016-9357-1 Aikawa, M., Morino, Y., Kajino, M., Hiraki, T., Horie, Y., Nakatsubo, R., Matsumura, C. and Mukai, H.: 2016, ‘Candidates to provide a specific concentration difference for ambient sulfur and nitrogen compounds near the coastal and roadside sites of Japan’, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 227(9), 1-12 DOI: 10.1007/s11270-016-3069-7 Kajino M. and Aikawa M.: 2015, A model validation study of the washout/rainout contribution of sulfate and nitrate in wet deposition compared with precipitation chemistry data in Japan, Atmospheric Environment, 117, 124-134 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.06.042 Aikawa M., Kajino M., Hiraki T., Mukai H.: 2014, The contribution of site to washout and rainout: precipitation chemistry based on sample analysis from 0.5 mm precipitation increments and numerical simulation, Atmospheric Environment, 95, 165-174 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.06.015 Aikawa M., Hiraki T., Mukai H.: 2014, Precipitation chemistry and ozone and sulfate concentrations in the ocean atmosphere observed by multi-year cruising in East Asia and West Oceania (35oN-35oS, 100oE-135oE) in August and September, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 71, 65-78 Doi:10.1007/s10874-014-9281-1 Aikawa, M., T., Hiraki, T., Tomoyose, N., Ohizumi, T., Noguchi, I., Murano, K. and Mukai, H.: 2013, ‘Local emission of primary air pollutants and its contribution to wet deposition and concentrations of aerosols and gases in ambient air in Japan’, Atmospheric Environment 79, 317-323 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.06.052 Aikawa, M. and Hiraki, T.: 2010, ‘Difference in the Use of a Quartz Filter and a PTFE Filter as First-Stage Filter in the Four-Stage Filter-Pack Method’, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 213, 331-339 DOI: 10.1007/s11270-010-0388-y Aikawa, M., Nishikawa, Y., Yamagami, M., Hiraki, T., Murano, K. and Mukai, H.: 2010, ‘Determination and evaluation of sampling velocity in a simple passive sampling method to monitor HNO3(g) in ambient air’, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 208, 183-191 DOI: 10.1007/s11270-009-0158-x Aikawa, M., Ohara, T., Hiraki, T., Oishi, O., Tsuji, A., Yamagami, M., Murano, K. and Mukai, H.: 2010, ‘Significant geographic gradients in particulate sulfate over Japan determined from multiple site measurements and a chemical transport model: Impacts of transboundary pollution from the Asian continent’, Atmospheric Environment 44, 381-391 DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.10.025 Aikawa, M. and Hiraki, T.: 2009, ‘Washout/rainout contribution in wet deposition estimated by 0.5 mm precipitation sampling/analysis’, Atmospheric Environment 43, 4935-4939 DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.07.057 Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Komai, Y., Umemoto S. and Tokuchi, N.: 2009, ‘Characterization of Chemical Species in Input and Input-Output Balance on Nitrogen in a Catchment Area of Japan’, Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment 44(4), 202-210. Aikawa, M. and Hiraki, T.: 2009, ‘Characteristic seasonal variation of vertical air temperature profile in urban areas of Japan’, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 104, 95-102 DOI: 10.1007/s00703-009-0020-0. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2009, ‘Change of atmospheric condition in an urbanized area of Japan from the viewpoint of rainfall intensity’, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148, 449-453. Aikawa, M. and Hiraki, T.:2008, ‘Methodology of analysis associating survey results by the filter-pack method with those of precipitation - Acid-base balance on acid-related and alkali-related chemical species in urban ambient air and its influence on the acidification of precipitation -’, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 61, 21-29 DOI:10.1007/s10874-009-9122-9 Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2008, ‘Evaluation methodology of monthly highest and lowest air temperatures in heat island phenomenon survey’, Atmospheric Science Letters 9, 222-225 DOI: 10.1002/asl.192. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2008, ‘Summer air temperature distribution and thermal environment in urban areas of Japan’, Atmospheric Science Letters 9, 209-213 DOI: 10.1002/asl.189. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Eiho, J. and Miyazaki, H.: 2008, ‘Role of the wind in the control of the air temperature distribution’, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 102, 15-22 DOI:10.1007/s00703-008-0001-8. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, M., Mukai, H. and Murano, K.: 2008, ‘Characteristic Variation of Concentration and Chemical Form in Sulfur, Nitrate, Ammonium, and Chloride Species observed at Urban and Rural Sites of Japan’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 190, 287-297. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-007-9600-0. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2008, ‘Study on the acidification and pollution of precipitation based on a data set collected on a 0.5 mm precipitation basis’, Atmospheric Environment 42, 7043-7049 DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.06.010. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Eiho, J. and Miyazaki, H.: 2008, ‘Air Temperature Variation with Time and Thermally Evaluated Atmospheric Conditions correlated with Land Use Change in Urban Areas of Japan’, International Journal of Climatology 28, 789-795 DOI 10.1002/joc.1578. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. Yamagami, M., Kitase, M., Nishikawa, Y. and Uno, I.: 2008, ‘Regionality and particularity of a survey site from the viewpoint of the SO2 and SO42- concentrations in ambient air in a 250 x 250-km region of Japan’, Atmospheric Environment. 42, 1389-1398 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv2007.11.010. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2008, ‘Grouping and Representativeness of Monitoring Stations based on Wind Speed and Wind Direction Data in Urban Areas of Japan’, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 136, 411-418 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-007-9696-0. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Komai, Y., Umemoto S. and Tokuchi, N.: 2008, ‘A Case Study on the Input-Output Balance of Sulfur in a Catchment Area in Japan’, Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment 43(1), 23-30. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Suzuki, M., Tamaki, M. and Kasahara, M.: 2007, ‘Separate chemical characterizations of fog water, aerosol, and gas before, during, and after fog events near an industrialized area in Japan’, Atmospheric Environment 41, 1950-1959 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv2006.10.049. Aikawa, M., Suzuki, M., Hiraki, T., Tamaki, M., Kondo, A., Mukai, H. and Murano, K.: 2007, ‘Intensive Field Survey of Aerosol and Gas Concentrations with 6-h Interval Sampling in Winter in Japan’, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 182, 91-105. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-006-9324-6. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Eiho, J. and Miyazaki, H.: 2007, ‘Characteristic air temperature distributions observed in summer and winter in urban area in Japan’, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 131, 255-265 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-006-9473-5. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Shoga, M., Tamaki, M. and Sumitomo, S.: 2007, ‘Seven-year trend of the time and seasonal dependence of fog water collected near an industrialized area in Japan’, Atmospheric Research 83, 1-9 DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2006.01.011. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T., Tamaki, M., Kasahara, M., Kondo, A., Uno, I., Mukai, H., Shimizu, A. and Murano, K.: 2006, ‘Field Survey of Trans-boundary Air Pollution with High Time Resolution at Coastal Sites on the Sea of Japan during Winter in Japan’, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 122, 61-79 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-005-9165-6. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Eiho, J.: 2006, ‘Vertical Atmospheric Structure estimated by Heat Island Intensity and Temporal Variations of Methane Concentrations in Ambient Air in an Urban Area in Japan’, Atmospheric Environment 40, 4308-4315. Aikawa, M., Hiraki, T. and Tamaki, M.: 2006, ‘Comparative Field Study on Precipitation, Throughfall, Stemflow, Fog Water, and Atmospheric Aerosol and Gases at Urban and Rural Sites in Japan’, Science of the Total Environment 366, 275-285 DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.06.027. 【学会発表】(2014年以降) 藍川 昌秀、鈴木美羽、村上拓弥、広川浩太郎「北九州市におけるFP法によるガス/粒子状物質daily観測」澳门英皇娱乐_澳门赌场游戏-官网元年9月18日 第60回大気環境学会年会 東京農工大学(東京都府中市) 藍川 昌秀、鈴木美羽、村上拓弥、広川浩太郎「北九州市におけるFP法による冬季daily観測(2)」平成30年9月12日 第59回大気環境学会年会 九州大学(福岡県春日市) 藍川 昌秀、広川浩太郎、村上拓弥「北九州市におけるFP法による冬季daily観測」平成29年9月7日 第58回大気環境学会年会 兵庫医療大学(兵庫県神戸市) 藍川 昌秀、梶野 瑞王、平木 隆年、向井 人史「観測から見る硫酸、硝酸成分の雲内洗浄、雲下洗浄の割合」平成28年9月8日 第57回大気環境学会年会 北海道大学(北海道札幌市) Masahide Aikawa, Yu Morino, Mizuo Kajino, Takatoshi Hiraki and Hitoshi Mukai “Measurements of atmospheric concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen compounds at neighboring two coastal and roadside sites of Japan“, The international conference on the Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ), Nov. 11-13, 2015 (Kobe, Japan) Masahide Aikawa, Mizuo Kajino, Takatoshi Hiraki and Hitoshi Mukai “Precipitation chemistry based on sample analysis from 1 mm precipitation increments – Washout/rainout processes, and interaction between raindrop and ambient particulate sulfate –“, 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition (Acid Rain 2015), Oct. 19-23, 2015 (ROCHESTER, NY, USA) 藍川 昌秀、森野 悠、梶野 瑞王、平木 隆年、向井 人史「近接する2地点観測に基づく沿岸都市大気中硫黄?窒素化合物濃度分布に関する解析」平成27年9月15日 第56回大気環境学会年会 早稲田大学(東京都新宿区) 藍川 昌秀、向井人史、橋本茂、谷本浩志「オゾン濃度観測値に関するスケールファクターの検討 ?オゾン濃度長期トレンド解析のために?」平成26年9月18日 大気環境学会年会 愛媛大学(松山市) 物理?化学過程を通して、大気環境(大気汚染?酸性雨など)について調査?研究をしています。 北九州市立大学でともに学び、自己研鑽しませんか! 新たな手法、クラッシックな手法を駆使して、大気環境について調査?研究を進めています。受験生向けメッセージ