


Title Professor
Degree Doctor of Applied Linguistics
Department Center for Fundamental Education, Hibikino
E-mail kashiwagi[ at ]
£ªPlease change "[at]" to "@".
Education 2008: PhD from Meikai University, Chiba
2000: MA from Fukuoka University of Education, Fukuoka
Employment History 2003-2005: Associate Professor, Tsuruoka National College of Technology
2005-2010: Associate Professor, Information and Technology Dpt. The University of Kitakyushu
Since 2010: Professor, Center for Fundamental Education The University of Kitakyushu
Teaching Activities English Literacy I, II, III
Advanced English
English Presentation (Master Course)
Research Interest English Teaching (Writing, Reading), Corpus Linguistics
Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Pragmalinguistics
Publications 1. English Pedagogy in 21st Century [21seiki no eigo ka kyouiku] In A. Higuchi & H. Shimatani, (Eds.), pp. 133-147, Kairyudo, Apr. 2007
2. Corpus-Based Elicitation of L2 Proficiency: Topic Type Prompts, L1 Rhetorical Pedagogical Implications for L2 Writing. Nov. 2008
3. Corpus-Analysis of Written Hedging Devices Used by Japanese Teachers of English, Japanese EFL Learners and Native Speakers of English, Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 13, pp. 83- 94, Nov. 2008
4. An Exploration of the Ability to Control Rhetorical Interference of NNS English Teachers. KASELE Bulletin, 37, pp. 13-22, July, 2009
5. A Study of Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and English Rhetorical Context for Pedagogical Writing Applications. Bulletin of Center for Fundamental Education, 8, Nov, 2010
Other activities Vice President of Center for Fundamental Education