Title | Professor | |
Degree | Doctor of Applied Linguistics | |
Department | Center for Fundamental Education, Hibikino | |
kashiwagi[ at ]kitakyu-u.ac.jp £ªPlease change "[at]" to "@". |
Education | 2008: PhD from Meikai University, Chiba 2000: MA from Fukuoka University of Education, Fukuoka |
Employment History | 2003-2005: Associate Professor, Tsuruoka National College of Technology 2005-2010: Associate Professor, Information and Technology Dpt. The University of Kitakyushu Since 2010: Professor, Center for Fundamental Education The University of Kitakyushu |
Teaching Activities | English Literacy I, II, III Advanced English English Presentation (Master Course) |
Research Interest | English Teaching (Writing, Reading), Corpus Linguistics Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Pragmalinguistics |
Publications | 1. English Pedagogy in 21st Century [21seiki no eigo ka kyouiku] In A. Higuchi & H. Shimatani, (Eds.), pp. 133-147, Kairyudo, Apr. 2007 2. Corpus-Based Elicitation of L2 Proficiency: Topic Type Prompts, L1 Rhetorical Pedagogical Implications for L2 Writing. Nov. 2008 3. Corpus-Analysis of Written Hedging Devices Used by Japanese Teachers of English, Japanese EFL Learners and Native Speakers of English, Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching, 13, pp. 83- 94, Nov. 2008 4. An Exploration of the Ability to Control Rhetorical Interference of NNS English Teachers. KASELE Bulletin, 37, pp. 13-22, July, 2009 5. A Study of Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and English Rhetorical Context for Pedagogical Writing Applications. Bulletin of Center for Fundamental Education, 8, Nov, 2010 |
Other activities | Vice President of Center for Fundamental Education | |
URL | - |