Overview of the UKK
Overview of the University of Kitakyushu
Chairman, board of directors Junji Tsuda The President Masato Yanai

● Extensive overseas study programs
The University of Kitakyushu has student exchange agreements with numerous overseas universities in the U.S., UK, Australia, China and South Korea. In 2008, an overseas study program was initiated, through which 55 students a year are dispatched to Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, Washington in the U.S.
● Kitakyushu Science and Research Park
The Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, which aims to become an academic research hub in Asia, houses many science and technology-related organizations including universities (Waseda University, Kyushu Institute of Technology, University of Kitakyushu, etc.), research institutes, and companies. Joint education and research programs are being actively implemented through close cooperation among these organizations.
● Regional contribution
Through close cooperation with local residents, NPOs, governmental bodies, companies, elementary and junior/senior high schools as well as other universities, the University of Kitakyushu seeks to contribute to solving various regional problems and invigorating local communities by bringing the fruits of its education and research to local communities. The University was ranked first among 730 universities in Japan in the 2008 University Regional Contribution Ranking.
● Studies on Asia
The Graduate School of Social System Studies, the Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, and the Center for Cultural and Social Studies of Asia conduct interdisciplinary studies on Asia through a network of teachers and researchers in various disciplines dealing with East Asia.